Types of Assessments under GST
Meaning of Assessment
As per Section 2(11), Assessment means
determination of tax liability under Goods and Service tax Act (GST) Act.
Types of Assessment under GST:
- · Self-assessment
- · Provisional assessment
- · Summary assessment
- · Scrutiny Assessment
- · Best judgment assessment
of Non-Filers of Return
of Unregistered Persons
Self Assessment
person registered under the Act shall himself assess the tax payable by him for
a tax period and after such assessment he shall file the return.
Provisional Assessment
As a taxpayer has to pay tax on self-assessment basis but he may request
the proper officer for paying tax on provisional basis.
Such a request can be made by the taxable person only in such cases
where he is unable to determine:
a) the value of goods or services to be supplied by him, or
b) determine the tax rate applicable to the goods or services to be
supplied by him.
Following are the provisions applicable for Provisional Assessment:
Provisional Assessment is governed by section 60 of
Request to Proper Officer shall be made in writing
giving reasons for payment of tax on provisional basis
Tax can be paid on a provisional basis only after
the proper officer has permitted it through an order passed by him
No tax officer can suo-moto order payment of tax on
provisional basis
may allow payment of tax on provisional basis at a specified rate or on value
Order shall be passed within 90 days from the date
of request
The taxable person has to execute a bond with a surety
or security to pay the difference of the Final Assessed Tax and Provisional
Assessed Tax.
Limit for Final Assessments:
The final assessment order has to be passed by the proper officer
within six months from the date of the communication of the order of
provisional assessment. However,the above period of six months may be extended
on sufficient cause:
a) by the Joint / Additional Commissioner for a further period not
exceeding six months, and
b) by the Commissioner for such further period as he may deem fit not
exceeding fours.
Thus, a
provisional assessment can remain provisional for a maximum of five years.
Final Assessed tax > Provisionally Assessed tax:
Where the tax liability as per the final assessment is higher than in
provisional assessment,the taxable person will be liable to pay interest from the date the
tax was due to be paid originally till the date of actual payment.
Provisionally Assessed tax
> Final Assessed tax:
Where the tax liability as per the
Provisional Assessment is higher than the Final Assessment,the registered
person is entitled to a refund consequent to the order of final assessment and
interest shall be paid on such refund.
Summary Assessment
Summary Assessments can be initiated to protect the interest of revenue
a) the proper officer has evidence that a taxable person has incurred a
liability to pay tax under the Act, and
b) the proper officer believes that delay in passing an assessment
order will adversely affect the interest of revenue.
Such order can be passed after
seeking permission from the Additional Commissioner / Joint Commissioner.
available to the taxpayer against a summary assessment order:
A taxable person against whom
a summary assessment order has been passed can apply for its withdrawal to the
jurisdictional Additional/Joint Commissioner within thirty days of the date of
receipt of the order. If the said officer finds the order erroneous, he can
withdraw it and direct the proper officer to carry out determination of tax
liability in terms of section 73 or 74 of CGST/SGST Act.
moto Withdrawl of Order:
The Additional/Joint
Commissioner can withdraw the summary assessment order on his own motion if he
himself finds the summary assessment order to be erroneous.
Scrutiny Assessment
The proper officer may conduct scrutiny
of the return and related particulars furnished by the registered person under
Section 61 of the CGST Act. The Scrutiny of Returns are conducted in order to
verify the correctness of the return and inform him of the discrepancies noticed,
if any, in such manner as may be prescribed and seek his explaination thereto
Consequence of non
satisfactory explaination:
If the taxable person does not provide a satisfactory explanation
within 30 days of being informed (extendable by the officer concerned) or after
accepting discrepancies, fails to take corrective action in the return for the
month in which the discrepancy is accepted, the Proper Officer may take
recourse to any of the following provisions:
(a) Proceed to conduct audit
under Section 65 of the Act;
(b) Direct the conduct of a special audit under Section 66 which is to
be conducted by a Chartered Accountant or a Cost Accountant nominated for this
purpose by the Commissioner; or
(c) Undertake procedures of inspection, search and seizure under
Section 67 of the Act; or
(d) Initiate proceeding for
determination of tax and other dues under Section 73 or 74 of the Act.
Best Judgement Assessment
Best Judgement Assessment
become applicable in the following situations:
When the taxable person fails to furnish the return
the taxable person fails to obtain registration even though he is liable
Assessment of Non-Filers of Return
If a taxable person fails to file the return required under law [under
section 39 (monthly/quarterly), or 45 (final return)], the proper
officer has to first issue a notice to the defaulting taxable person under
section 46 of CGST/SGST Act requiring him to furnish the return within a period
of fifteen days. If the taxable person fails to file return within the given
time, the proper officer shall proceed to assess the tax liability of the
return defaulter to the best of his judgement taking into account all the
relevant material available with him.
Withdrawal of Best Judgement Assessment Order
The best judgment order passed by the Proper Officer under section 62
of CGST/SGST Act shall automatically stand withdrawn if the taxable person furnishes
a valid return for the default period (i.e. files the return and pays the tax
as assessed by him), within thirty days of the receipt of the best judgment
assessment order
Assessment of Unregistered Persons
Where a person who is liable to pay tax but has failed to obtain registration, Section
63 of CGST/SGST Act provides that the proper officer can assess the tax
liability and pass an order to his best judgment for the relevant tax periods.
Time Limit for passing
Best Judgement Assessment Order
The time limit for passing an
assessment order under section 62 or 63 is five years from the due date for
furnishing the annual return.
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